Factory ventilation systems with heat recovery

It is essential to provide sufficient and appropriate ventilation in businesses, plants and factories. In the industrial sector, maintaining optimal air quality and temperature is critical not only for the health and safety of workers, but also for the efficiency of manufacturing processes.

The Prana industrial ventilation/ decentralised MVHR can handle all the challenges. The system ensures fresh, clean air at all times, removes pollutants and guarantees a healthy microclimate in production facilities.

Local exhaust ventilation system for your Factory

Benefits of using The Prana industrial ventilation systems / decentralised MVHR:

  • Energy Efficiency. One of the most significant advantages of these systems is their ability to reduce energy consumption. By reusing heat from exhaust air, factories can decrease the need for additional heating or cooling, leading to substantial energy savings.
  • Improved Air Quality. These systems ensure a consistent supply of fresh air, crucial in factories where pollutants, chemicals, and particulates are often present.
  • Cost-Effective Operation. Despite the initial investment, the long-term reduction in energy costs makes these systems a cost-effective solution for industrial spaces.
  • Enhanced Worker Safety and Comfort. Maintaining a stable indoor temperature and reducing airborne contaminants contribute to a safer and more comfortable working environment.
  • Environmental Responsibility: Reduced energy consumption translates to a lower carbon footprint, aligning with sustainability goals.

How does industrial ventilation system/ decentralised MVHR work?

Factory ventilation systems with heat recovery units are designed to provide a continuous supply of fresh air while conserving energy. These systems work by extracting stale, contaminated air from the factory space and simultaneously introducing fresh outside air. The key component, the heat exchanger, transfers heat from the outgoing air to the incoming air, conserving energy that would otherwise be lost.

Local exhaust ventilation systems in factories

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) systems are specifically designed to remove contaminants at the source before they can disperse into the factory air. These systems are essential in processes that emit dust, fumes, vapours or gases, effectively protecting workers from harmful exposure.


How decentralised MVHR works in industrial environments

Decentralised MVHR systems work by providing ventilation at a local level, ideal for large industrial spaces. Each unit operates independently, allowing targeted ventilation in specific areas of the factory. This decentralised approach ensures that areas with higher levels of contaminants receive adequate ventilation without overloading the entire system.

Challenges and considerations

Implementing these systems in industrial environments presents unique challenges, such as accommodating the large size of factories, dealing with high levels of contaminants, and ensuring system durability. Regular maintenance and compliance with regulatory standards are also essential for optimum performance and safety.

Enjoy fresh air with Prana industrial ventilation systems

Experience the benefits of clean, fresh air in your industrial workspace with Prana industrial ventilation systems. These advanced systems are designed to effectively manage air quality in industrial environments by providing a continuous supply of fresh air and efficiently removing stale, contaminated air. Prana’s ventilation solutions are ideal for maintaining a healthy and productive environment by providing workers with fresh air, which is crucial in industrial areas.


Heat recovery in factory ventilation reduces the need for additional heating or cooling, leading to significant energy savings. It also helps maintain a consistent temperature, which can be crucial in certain manufacturing processes.

Yes, it is possible to retrofit heat recovery ventilation systems in existing factories, but the complexity and feasibility depend on the existing structure and ventilation setup. A detailed assessment by a professional is necessary.

By improving air quality and maintaining a stable temperature, these systems contribute to a safer and more comfortable working environment. They help reduce the risk of respiratory issues and other health problems associated with poor air quality.